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The Norfork National Fish Hatchery

The Norfork National Fish Hatchery in Salesville, Arkansas is a great place to come and spend the day.   Spend your time gaining knowledge about our cold water trout and learn how these fish were first introduced into Arkansas waters some 53 years ago.   Then get up close and personal with some of the hatchery's bigger fish that lurk in the race ways and watch them make a splash when you feed them or better yet, go catch them yourself.  Take your child on that once in a lifetime fishing trip or just relax next to Dry Run Creek, listening to the water cascade down the waterfalls and spillways while you share a picnic with your party.   If you are looking for a good place to fish or just get away from the hustle of life and take in some of Arkansas's natural scenery and breathtaking waterways, the Norfork National Fish Hatchery is a can't miss destination.