White River
The White River is another one of Arkansas's trout fishing gems that if the opportunity arises, one should really take the time to explore. This river used to be a warm water haven for small mouth bass and other warm water species until the Bull Shoals Lake Dam was built in the 1950's, turning it into a cold water river and now home to some of the worlds best trout fishing. Whether you are searching for quantity of fish or true world record trout, The White River is what it is today, because of the efforts of the Norfork National Fish Hatchery.
The Norfork National Fish Hatchery has been stocking trout on the Norfork and White Rivers since 1955 and has been keeping Arkansas trout anglers happy ever since. Come stop by the hatchery and say hello to the staff and see the great work that they do to provide the future memories for those who haven't been fortunate to visit our area and those that already know this areas great fishing secrets!
Please remember that the water levels fluctuate based upon electricity demand and flood control. If you are wade fishing in either the Norfork or White Rivers, please take proactive precautions by seeing the estimated generation schedules below for these waterways. A siren will sound if you are fishing at either Norfork Lake Dam or Bull Shoals Lake Dam but if fishing further from these locations, please keep an eye out for rising water as fluctuations in the water levels rise and fall quickly. See estimated water generation levels link below to see what the river levels could look like for your vacation.
With bluffs lining most of its banks and eagles stalking the waters from high above, The White River is as beautiful and pituresque as they come. Teaming with hundreds of thousands of trout, The White River is one of the most heavily concentrated trout rivers in America with nearly 1.2 million trout being stocked in its waters by the Norfork National Fish Hatchery annually. See 2013 estimated trout stocking schedule here!
Accessible by either boat or wading, it's a true anglers dream. Filled with deep runs, riffles, eddies, shoals and rock and grass banks, The White River offers many different options for fishing it. Whether you are spin casting or fly fishing, your chances of catching droves of trout are realistic. Methods and tactics to catch these fish vary from guide, to local, to novice but each usually come away with a smile at the end of the day. Hiding in these waters rest some gigantic trout and as much as we would like to say you are guaranteed to catch one, some skills and knowledge are usually needed to land the 10 plus pounders but most certainly this can still be done, even on beginners luck! CLICK HERE FOR THE ESTIMATED WHITE RIVER DAM GENERATION SCHEDULE!